Sequence of Event

2 min readMay 24, 2024


Photo by Bradyn Trollip on Unsplash

Life is.

We often forget that there are sequences of events that shape our lives. The first one might be when we were born into this world as tiny bundles of surprise, leading to pandora or fortune cookies.

Some of us have a beautiful childhood, and others have a nightmare. Yet, we are willing to grow up and fight for what we love and believe in.

We are no longer the captains of our past, as we do not have the power to interfere with it. However, the future and the present are within our reach.

A simple action can lead to a successful life. Not in terms of accumulated wealth (although this is important too), but as one of the brilliant souls in the universe.

Just imagine, you wake up early and spend your morning prayer in peace, not hurried by the workload or anything else. Then, you prepare a breakfast, a fancy one to light up the ambiance of your day. You fetch some splendid clothes and enjoy the life of a worker till the evening. How awesome is your day?

Don’t mind the noisy neighbor, parasitic coworker, or racist boss. You have this kind of inner peace that nothing bothers you except your own thoughts.

In a bigger scenario and a fiction:

Jimmy is a mechanic for an airline. He is often late to work and suffers headaches due to oversleeping and an unhealthy lifestyle over the long term. He changes the nuts on the vertical elevator near the tail section with a smaller size because the correct one is not available, and he wants to rest at home. For several years, it is okay for every take-off and landing. But one day, the vertical elevator breaks, causing the airplane to pitch up uncontrollably, stall, and nosedive into the ocean, killing everyone on board. — WATCH MAYDAY SEASON 18 EPISODE 8 FOR REFERENCES

These sequences of events, seemingly unrelated to each other, are connected by a thin red thread called destiny. What I write is fiction, but unfortunately, similar events happen in life.

Good things navigate you to the greatest events in your life. The opposite takes place too. Be aware of yourself.

