During the desperate era of my life, I recite this phrase as a habit before I go to work. Due to a habit, I perceive this dua as a usual prayer, less significant than the others. How dumb I am. This one:
لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِٱللَّٰهِ
There is no power nor strength except with Allah. This is Hawqala.
I did not understand how I failed to grasp the real meaning of the Hawqala. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) highlighted the significance of this phrase, referring to it as “one of the treasures of Paradise.”
It protects me from all forms of negative energy, serving as a shield through Allah’s grace and help. I have the strongest defense against all type of toxicity and negativity from this world. Yet, I mistakenly treated the Hawqala as mere words without power.
I only realized its significance when I encountered a contentious situation where everyone else was adversely affected, but I emerged with only minor scratches. Delving deeper, I found that those who recite it, will be guided, defended, and protected by Allah’s power. It is truly incredible.
Reciting la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah signifies surrender and submit to Allah, also recognize there’s no power who change our heart except Him. After reciting, He answers with the power to protect us from anything harmful.
By entrusting my dreams, my career, and whatever happened later in my life in His Hand, it provides me spiritual strength. Surrendering doesn’t mean I cease striving for my goals; rather, it means I exert my utmost effort to reach my destination, leaving the outcome to Allah’s blessing. He knows better than everyone on earth.
Spiritual strength also leads me to resilience in life helping overcome grief and misfortune. A chant that keeps me alive, recognizing of omniscient power beyond my capacity is the answer to all existential question in the world.